Beauty Raw Indian Hair Extensions

We provide excellent raw hair from North India. We sell Indian hair, which is raw and unprocessed.. single donor hair. We have the cream of the crop hair vendor.

Our Raw Indian Wavy Hair- Each bundle is unique in shade, texture, luster, and wave pattern. 

Texture: Natural Wavy
Hair Color: Natural Brown (colors vary some may be lighter others may be darker)
Hair Weight: 3.4 oz per bundle
Hair Length: 12"-22"
Beauty hair can be color!  

How many bundles will you need? The number of bundles is depended upon how full you want your hair to look. Below is a simple breakdown of how many bundles to purchase. If you desire extremely fuller hair add an extra bundle to your order.  

10-14 inches 2 

16-18 inches 2

20-22 inches 3